Wednesday, November 30, 2011

My Plank is Cooler than Your Plank

Brought to you by the Dunder Mifflin Misses: 

This was my first experience editing a movie, and I would be lying if I said it was one without frustration. Working with Livy, Helen, Ali and Amelia was fun and it was cool to be able to implement the tool sets that we learned in class into our movie. It was also rewarding once our video was finally posted on YouTube. We started the filming process early to get ahead of the game and so the stress wasn't left until the last minute, but we filmed it on a Droid phone, which we later discovered was not compatible in terms of putting the clips into iMovie. We sought assistance from numerous tech-savvy people and nobody was able to help us, so we eventually had to re-film the entire thing which was frustrating. It was also hard to limit the film to a minute, because we had so many ideas that we weren't able to include because of time limitations. It was also frustrating because our first filming was a lot funnier than our second attempt. Overall, it was a fun project and I learned about movie editing as well as using media tools to get a message across, which outweighs the negative outcomes!

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